Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It seems like every 4-6 months there is a book that is released to help men and women enhance their relationships. In this particular instance the book is the re-release of Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages series.

The 5 Languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, & Physical Touch, for all you out there that were wondering.

What better way for the Fam here at ATBAB to revitalize our status on the internet than to have a 5 love language forum. Within the next couple of weeks be on the lookout for new posts discussing each of the love languages in elucidation that only we can bring.

Quick Tangent: I never understood these self-counsel/self-help books. The mere fact that you purchased a book written by someone else revokes the self-help of it. But then again, if people weren't looking for outlets to receive such guidance, then sites like this wouldn't exist, so nevermind.

Without further ado the aintthatboutabitch.blogspot.com presents...

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