Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello Good Morning, What the move? What the business is? Shit it's been a minute since I've written on this joint. Mostly because of my work and school schedule, and partially because of a lack of motivation. But you women motivate me all the time (some positive, and some less).
My strong point isn't my intro so lets get to the main purpose of this article Squeaky wheels.

Most of you have heard the phrase:
"The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the oil"

This idiom refers to those individuals who "complain" or simply make it known that either they're unhappy about a situation or want something to change. This "phrase may be sometimes referred to (dependent on who you are and where you sit in relation to the "squeaking") as nagging. I won't focus on nagging, because that post will either be jah long or jah short and blunt. I'm actually gonna focus on some squeaking that I mostly ignore but has been thrown in my face recently.

This is what was written(plus some additional comments) :
What's all that fuss?: excessively wet vagina

is that a BAD thing?

my friend told me it is…and i found it offensive.

smh i used to apologize for the shit. and now im just like.. DEAL with it.. ive been told it was a bad thing before too

Yea,i NEVER apologize for it…i cant help it!LOL!it beats havin a dried up cooch

Now if this is your "squeak" I guess it could be worse. In my opinion, complaining about OD wet pussy is like someone complaining about the air being too fresh or the water being too clean, it's just a retarded ass complaint. So when I first read it I was like, "What kinda gump gets mad when a chick has an 'aquafina flow'", but then I sat back and thought about it. What type of chick complains that she's too wet. Wet pussy is essential for smooth fucking (unless you're rocking bottles of lube), so in my mind the wetter the better. One bamma (a male) was like "yea let me know before I fuck up my couch", hold up slim, you're more concerned about your couch then the pussy you may be about to fuck??? Now we can get into that but that's a whole other situation.

You may be sitting there saying to yourself "she didn't complain about her pussy she was just reiterating what the dude was saying" which is true, however why broadcast your "curse"? In my experience, people voice their problems for a few reasons: 1. to get it fixed, 2. to get attention for said problem. The example above is clearly the latter and not the former. It's not like she's asking for advice on how to parch the cooch. So then what is she doing?.... Answer! She's putting her overly hydrated vagina on display (wholetime it's prolly regular). This complaint is actually an attempt at boasting written on a complaint slip. This method of begging for attention is universal, that is, men and women are guilty of this offense. Unfortunately this is a blog for women about women so men are exempt from the scrutiny.

All to often I hear these "complaints". "Oh my ass is too phat", "my titties are too big", "dudes are always tryna get my number", "guys are always tryna cheat with me", "guys are always tryna wife me",
I can go on literally forever. Now some of these may be valid complaints, like where guys are tryna use you as their mistress. However a complaint transforms into something else when you neglect to rectify the situation. Then again you may just give off that rolla-vibe (hoe aura). Most of these complaints, I've found are geared more towards stroking the individuals ego/self-esteem than fixing anything.

I personally make it a habit to not complement a chick who compliments herself. Why you may ask, because she clearly doesn't need any help. I'm not referring to a humble chick who's confident in herself. I mean an arrogant youngin, who talks about how stylish she is, how much money she makes, where she's been (not job wise, but travel wise) etc. If you think that highly of yourself, then there's no need for anyone to help you out. I mean "it's called self-esteem..." you can feel in the rest. Unfortunately these golden women apparently can't hear how great they are enough, and fiend for the attention and notoriety from others.

Attention reaching for people not still in diapers, in my opinion is an indication of a self-esteem deficit or a lack of maturity. If you're happy in your accomplishments, whether it be your ass grew this year (we all know youngins like that), you got the job, you're fresh as shit today, trust that people notice. And when appropriate people will praise you for it. When in doubt stay humble.

The purpose of a squeaky wheel is to get oil so that there won't be any squeaking, but these wheels are more concerned with perpetual squeaking. An obsession with oil? Or maybe it's an obsession with themselves...

- Dre

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