Friday, May 28, 2010


Once upon a time, there was a little girl, and her father told her she was the most beautiful girl in the world. And she was so beautiful that her father crowned her as his princess. So how does a princess live her life? Like royalty of course. She barely went without, always had the finer things, never heard the word NO, and dreamed of her Prince Charming. Oh yes Prince Charming. The perfect guy, attentive, open, faithful, handsome, paid in the shade (most likely sippin on lemonade), in touch with his feminine side, and at the same time the manliest man there ever was (coulda doubled for a poetry writing lumber jack). This prince's sole purpose in life is to make her happy, and happiness for our princess is getting whatever she asks for, always being right, and doing whatever she says with a smile on his face. And with Mr. Charming she will live happily ever after..... The End

Now there are some exaggerations there (I plead artistic freedom), but when you sit back and listen, and believe me I've heard it ALL, Prince Charming is what most women look for. So I'll start from here... IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR PRINCE CHARMING AND THE FAIRYTALE LIFE THEN YOU'RE FUCKING DELUSIONAL. Now that I've got that off of my chest lets play the blame game. The blame game? Yes the blame game. What do people do in situations that involve their retarded mentalities but blame it on the past, or an individual in their past, or a situation, etc. Sometimes it seems that the hardest thing a person can do is take responsibility for their faults. So I'll play along

How about we start with the King since you can't have a princess without a king giving birth to her first. This in my opinion IRRESPONSIBLE dingbat has poisoned his daughter into believing that she is and deserves the life of blue blooded folks. First and foremost (not that I'm a supporter of monarchies) you either have to be born in to royalty or marry into it and 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 out of 10 prolly can't even name a currently reigning king/queen alive today. Point being, you aren't royal, you are retarded. People stuff the heads of their children with this notion that not only can you do whatever you want but you can have and live however you want. And people who feed into those notions lack not only common sense but a grasp on reality. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying tell your daughter that she has a 5 out of 6 chance of being a rolla (no matter how true that may be). I'm saying if you're going to raise this little woman don't raise her to live in a world that doesn't exist. Noone is perfect, so there's no way she'll find that perfect guy, and dreaming of getting everything you've ever wanted does not define a queen/princess it defines a spoiled brat.

On to this fabricated individual, namely the magnificent Prince Charming. What most women fail to realize, is they attract (most of the time) their equal.... I'mma let that shit marinate... Now you may jump back and say "Fuck are you talking about?". Egality has multiple variables. There is equality in success, maturity, finances, and mentalities. A lot of times when you encounter a girl who's just broke up with a dude, stop speaking to him, or whatever her "excuse" (cause it is an excuse not a reason) is "he's not on my level". Or how many chicks have you heard say "I need someone on my level" and then they subsequently turn down every bamma who approaches them? What these women/girls don't realize is that he's on your level that's why he approached you. Ladies, a horrible fact which I hate to admit is that men (not all but a lot) are intimidated by a women who's above his level. It's just fact, yes strong women do intimidate a man (Now hold on, cause that strong woman might not be you). So if you were really in this upper level club populated solely by you and your bitter friends, then no man is gonna bother you. However if a man approaches you on some "I want to get to know you", not on "I want to fuck you" because the latter has no thought process past a nut, then he's peeped your level and has assessed if he is on the same plane as you. The problem occurs when the female is unrealistic in assessing her own level. Just as it's a well known fact that men are intimidate by some women, it's also a known fact that men live (mostly) in logic, while women operate (mostly) in fantasy. Don't believe me? Really contemplate your aspirations , in relationships and in life, and then look at all of your female friends, how much of it is realistic and how much of it is plain dreaming? While you think about that I'll get back to the point. If you meet a guy and he's not on what you perceive to be your level financially (for example), you fixate on that temporary (or maybe not so temporary) flaw, when he may be where your at emotionally, mentally, and in maturity. Now you may say "Oh he's a guy so he just likes the chase" which maybe true (though I disagree with chasing as a whole), but it's one thing to chase a deer and another to chase a whale, men know their limitations. (While I rap that up I want to state something, when I refer to a male as a "man" I'm not talking about those boys who post up at malls, or at a wall and go smack at chicks on disrespectful shit, those aren't men those are boys regardless of their ages.) Turning down someone who's coming at you disrespectfully is understandable and justified, but when a man comes at you and you feel he's not on your level, you may need to reevaluate what your level is and not what you wish it was.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I read the first paragraph of this post, I could already anticipate where it was headed. With that said, usually I would agree that women have ridiculous expectations and aren't honest with themselves ABOUT themselves. HOWEVER, there's an elephant IN THIS POST...and that ELEPHANT is the counterargument. The situations where women continuously date BELOW what they deserve because they buy into the fact that no man is perfect but go ALLL THE WAY LEFT FIELD WITH IT. Therefore they accept the abusers (mentally and physically), the habitual cheaters, AND the lazy non ambitious men. That is why it is imparative for a women to have a reference point, ie their father, to show them how a man should treat them. Their father should be a constant reminder that a man should be your partner, should let you feel comfortable in your relationship and above all treat you with RESPECT. Furthermore, the fact of daddies spoiling their daughters, can be problematic but there are men out there who do spoil their women. So, it's not searching for a needle in a haystack, but it may require a bit more comprimise, because with the spoiling may come something else. But I digress, I say all this to say, yes I agree women should be more realistic in their expectations of their mate, but how "realistic" are we talking?? lets be honest, statistically, there are more women pursuing further education than there are we are somewhat forced to comprimise on where are mates may be educationally or financially. HOWEVER... I don't think women should altogether SETTLE for ANY man just because "no man is perfect."

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