Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"When in a relationship a woman will better the man in someway shape or form. Once the 'enhancement' has occurred the relationship will sour eventually and the man will move on to the next woman to upgrade him. This ongoing cycle will continue until the man has been through enough relationships where he has reached the point of his maximum potential. So in essence the last woman he chooses to be with gets to reap all of the benefits for previous heartaches."

I overheard this a while back and it always struck me as kind of odd. I mean who's to say the men in the relationship aren't the ones doing all the molding. Shouldn't both parties in the said relationship benefit from the others previous experiences?

First of all, there's no way in hell that men are the only ones showing advancements in relationships. And if they are then there shouldn't be a relationship between he and the woman who has apparently already peaked. Secondly men don't leave relationships when they feel as if they have grown for the "time-being" and now its on to the next one. Man is a prideful creature. Knowing this one would know that most men think that they are grown by age 13, taking on the "I'm grown" mindset and believing right then and there that they are already the man that they will be for the rest of their existence. The man will leave when is feeling as if he is being changed into something that he feels he is not. Especially if it is forced. Last, but certainly not least, to any woman who feels that she molded her man into a better person and as a result ended up all alone... well, it serves you right! Who the hell do you think you are trying to take credit for the growth of another individual. You should be focused on becoming (I hate to borrow this from the Army but) All you can BE! You can't be making the proper corrections on yourself when you are molding another person.

It's simply impossible.

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