Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Think Like a Man...

So its 2010, and women are fed up right? They are tired of shiftless guys, triflin niggas and lame dudes correct? So how do they feel that they can combat this epidemic? They read novels written by Steve Harvey and think they have this whole "male psyche" thing down right?

They now understand the mind of every man that they have ever interacted with and had personal relationships with. No longer do they have to be on the receiving end of heartbreak. No longer will they sit up late nights talking on the phone with their countless single girlfriends, trying to justify why he left or why he cheated, or why he doesn't understand.


In 21st century women have taken on the mantra of "Act like a nigga, so I don't get played like a bitch"

Now, there are so many things wrong with this phrase, a simple blog post may not do it justice. First of all women, if you think that the man you are with is simply a "nigga" then you need to raise your standards. This statement also implies that in past relationships you have been nothing but a "bitch" who has subsequently been "played". As opposed to two individuals whose relationship simply didn't work out.

Women believe that men purposely live life devoid of emotion or feeling(especially in relationships) and thats why they never seem to be hurt when a relationship goes south. No! Simply put, men have LESS emotion in general however that does not mean they don't have ANY. Just because a guy doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve or go to his boys to "vent" about his relationship does not mean he isn't in the same type emotional pain as you. Women are natural communicators, they can articulate their desires, needs, emotions and thoughts much better than males. This is a gift for some women and a curse for others depending on the situation .

Ladies, please do not let past relationships dictate your ENTIRE mindset on future ones. No one, myself included wants to be with a girl that acts like a "nigga". That defies all logic for a heterosexual male to feel a physical,emotional, or spiritual attraction to a woman that acts like one of his homeboys.... MESSAGE! *Keenan voice*

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