Tuesday, August 25, 2009


A wise man once said "you can trust everyone, just don't trust the devil within them"

Trust: one of the key ingredients to any successful relationship, partnership, interaction between two folks is also the hardest to gain it seems. Because of this it should be treated the same way you treat a fragile package. Trust is delicate and as hard as it is to gain, its extremely easy to lose it which in turn makes it damn near impossible to regain. When in a relationship though men and women give their trust to each other with the hopes of it not being exploited. Is this ever the case though? Women being use to having "un"happy homes, they will attempt to chip at the wall of self defense men have protecting ourselves from future endeavors that will result in conflict. All for what? For them to search for pain?
Searching for heartache, I'll never understand it. Can someone please tell me why women will look through their man's belongings searching for trouble. His personals (writings, cell phone, email accounts, Facebook accounts, MySpace accounts, sock drawers) are just that, his personals. Women are the reason phones are now made with locks for the device, why websites require passwords, why men are hesitant to share information about themselves, especially to women!

Now none of you gals are private investigators and half the time you go searching through your mans things is to justify an act of wrondoing you've been contemplating. (If you gon' do your dirt please just do your dirt, no need to see if your man has skeletons in his closet cause the relationship just turns into a one-up contest. "Oh, he messed around with that bitch, well I'll mess with this nigga!" "Oh, she foolin' around on me, let see what these girls talking about tonight then... this isn't anyway to handle a relationship)

My advice would be the second you feel the need to go through you mans, hell anyone's shit you should just STOP! Think about it, its a lose-lose situation. Either there is nothing there and you have to wipe all the egg off your face and deal with your own insecurities or there will be something there and you have to confront your man while letting him know that you betrayed his trust by snooping around his shit.

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