Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We here at ATBAB are firm believers in that you should always do whats best for you as an individual. Each day you should become better as a person, whether you become wealthier, healthier, or wiser something about today should make you better than yesterday.

The same holds true to relationships. The beginning stages should be the absolute worse times you share with someone. As both of you are hopefully progressing the relationship should as well as a result.

However there does come a time when the relationship is no longer productive to your well being.

Now anyone who may be new to logic allow me to explain addition by subtraction using a common example. In everyday life, if someone wants to be successful they will limit their diversions and concentrate on things helpful in achieving this said success. Thus, by subtracting the distractions in life they are adding success to it. Not simple enough? Let's take it back to grade school then: 9 - (-1) = 9 +1 = 10. Addition by Subtraction!

Many a time I have heard a friend of mine (male and female) complain about how their counterpart is trippin' or just flat out doing dumb shit. The thing is you can see the effects really seem to take a toll on the person who is complaing and my advice is always the same "Hey, you happy before you started dating them and you are unhappy now while you are dating... what do you think you need to do to get happy again? Quit they ass!" This isn't the normally the advice they want to hear, but it will eventually be the best they ever heard (mostly because I give the world's greatest advice) due it's blunt truth. The person was happier when they were single with less responsiblity and stress that can come along with a relationship.

The underlying message is to rid yourself on negativity for a positive outcome. Whether that be a boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, job, class course or whatever. As we've previously have stated its no since in wasting time, energy, or emotions on fruitless shit.

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