Wednesday, August 26, 2009


In the 4 years that I spent in highschool I can honestly say I only learned one thing, and the funny thing is that it was from a teacher who I didn't really fuck wit. One day in class people were talkin about his kids and wife and if he was as angry there as he is in school and he said some profound shit - "Somethings are just not worth getting mad about".

In the grand scheme of things, our individual lives are relatively short. We spend our lives in class, work, sleep, sick, eating and a rack of other things so why would you want to add being angry/upset or whatever to the little bit of time that you have leftover. Women, yes Women, spend more time in a relationship focusing on things that are not in actuality worth being upset about. Ladies Life is toooo fucking short to be angry about dumb shit.

Now ladies, if your thinkin to yourself: "but how is he supposed to kno i'm angry or i don't like that shit unless i'm upset" rest assure there are more effective ways of gettin your feelings across rather than kirkin out. For alot of you especially the ones who are OD (which is most of you) if you react to whatever your dude has done calmly he'll get the point trust me.

1. Friends - friends are friends (mostly), and insecurities are what really plays the fuse in these situations. Trust is big as Russ has stated below. Also let him have time with his friends. Being up eachothers ass only leaves you both smelling like shit.
2. Work - if he's workin let him work you may benefit from the fruits of his labor
3. School - there's nothin worst than a youngin who can't respect the fact that you have to study. Chill out, you should be supporting him not hindering him.
4. Stuff neither one of you can change - I'm a firm believer that if you can't control it then you shouldn't worry about it.
5. Little shit - more often than not women get angry about the most miniscule things. These are the things that prompt us to say "you just want to argue about something" because in all actuallity you do. Now I know it's odd when relationships are going good or there are just no major bumps, but don't fuck it up let it ride. I think we as people find it odd when there isn't things going wrong with a situation, maybe it's pessimism maybe it's not, but regardless don't fuck up the flow.

You may be askin "So what should i be mad about then?". Be mad if he disrespects you. At the end of the day, things that are really worth correcting are those which show that he doesn't care about you or doesn't respect you. Soooo if he's cheating, or calling you outta your name, or doing something along those lines then go right ahead and put him in his place.

On the note of "putting him in his place". Ladies slashin tires, playing "an eye for an eye", or running his name through the mud are just childish and at the end of the day destroy your character more than it does his. Keep it funky ladies

If you really kno me then you kno i'm an angry person ( not tryna be a martyr), I'm just cognisant of what's right and what's wrong and somethings just aren't worth it.

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