Thursday, June 25, 2009


We here at ATBAB formulated this blog in order to give women and the whole world our opinions on relationships, situations, and the thing we love the most... WOMEN.

With that being said, we appreciate all of our readers out there and we're more than syced to get questions from you.
Soooo, one of our readers Terron (yea we do shout outs) posed a question:

"How do men feel about women taking the initiative and asking them out? Does it seem too forward or too aggressive?"

This is a good question. I feel that it's all about the execution.

I'm not a chaser personally. Some men like to chase females, and they try and explain it stating that all men do (It's the hunt and men like to hunt or some other Bullshit that their dumb asses can formulate in their minds). In my opinion those are games, I don't kno about you all, but tricks are for kids and I'm more of a raisin brand kinda bamma. Playin hard to get isn't my thing so therefore if a youngin is tryna get at me or is feelin me, the best course of action is to just put out on the table. Now I don't mean to come up to me on some "look here (insert name), I want you", but let it be known that your feeling me. I think the best way to rock it is to be subtle without being OD.

Now as I stated before some men like to chase. However, taking the initiative in my opinion isn't too forward or aggressive as long as you do it right. Noone likes it when people are too pressed. Some people like to be goosed (admired to the um-teenth degree) but if you want someone who's gonna appreciate you and reciprocate your advances the best course of action is to be chill, take it in strides and make sure your point gets accross without throwin your joint in his face.

I don't believe in chasing but there are certain things that I guy should have to work for.

1. He should have to work to get the Cookies and Applejuice (If you don't know wat that is it's pussy) Now I don't believe in fairytale shit like waiting for marriage(sorry) , but anything where you have to not only put your emotions and your health in jeapordy should require an extensive and detailed screening process.
2. Your respect. "Respect is not given it's earned" (I think that quote explains that enough).
3. Your All. I'm a 100% type of dude. In a relationship/talking/whatever I put my all from jump. (Somethin that just recently blew up in my face, but anyways back at the ranch). This can be a good thing at times and others bad. Being 100% genuine, upfront, and open is a good quality, however it isn't the best quality. Just as respect is earned I feel "your all" should be as well. However I'm learning that, that part of you should be one of the most guarded parts. Opening yourself to someone can leave you open to,love, happiness, bliss, etc and it can also leave you open to disrespect, becoming insecure, and getting your feelings hurt (basically big bad woofin your day). Therefore somethin so fragile should be handled with care. Treat yourself like a baby, you don't go handin it off to anyone and even before you do, you scope them out to see if they're capable of being gentle, and you might even slowly let them hold it, just let them touch a foot or somethin, just look at it, or give it to them and when they get a lil ruff take it away.
4. Your Heart. Now some of you might tie that in with "your all" but I feel something so special should have it's own bullet. Thank of it like this, your body surrounds your heart in a cage (ribs). Follow it's lead, you should then put it in a safe which only you know the combination. Only allow people who deserve to and are reciprocating the action to reach the goods.

Now ladies, I'm not sayin put up a brick wall, because not only is that a waste of your time but it may make the guy who's worth it give up. What I'm sayin is put up a glass one, or better yet a stained glass wall, wit those rock climbin nubs, where they can see how great you are, and how workin to get to the holy grail(or whatever the fuck you want to name it) will pay off.




Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice! More questions to come soon.....

XIomara OKonkwo said...

ok so if your not a chaser or so go getta than every woman that you have dated they have approached you? Is that because you are afraid of rejection?

Dre said...

That may be true, or maybe that's why I have shitty luck with women

XIomara OKonkwo said...

I think you are looking at the hunter thing a lil differently. Every one is a hunter in the relationship. Women hunt a lil differently than men (but we definately go after what we want), but my advice to you is for you to go after what you like and what and then maybe you won't have ish for women idk thats what i think

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