Friday, June 26, 2009


With not too much to discuss at the moment I've decided that today I will answer a few questions from our comments/mailbag. (send all your questions to Lets dive right in to the questions.

QUESTION: How do men feel about women taking the initiative and asking them out? Does it seem too forward or too aggressive?

ANSWER: You have to respect a women that will put her self in this position. Men all throughout history have had to put their pride to the side and cope with the possibilities of rejection when approaching a woman, so when female approaches us we automatically respect her for that. Now as far as that being too forward or too aggressive I believe that it all depends on the amount of time that has passed before she asks the man out. If she hasn't known dude for at least a while then it's being a bit aggressive. For example, if a girl approaches a male within a week of meeting him and delivers the "I know that we haven't known each other that long, but I like you, I mean I'm feeling you and I was wondering if, you know, you trying make something happen between me and you yada yada yada" speech. The response may be along the lines of "Well, it's nice to be liked but we don't even know each other." So as long as the ladies proceed at pursuing their man at a steady pace then she won't come off as too aggressive nor forward.

QUESTION: How fast can you find my spot?

ANSWER: It depends on what you're looking for from a man, and that would depend on the type of mood that has been set. If a woman is trying to feel the earth move and make the neighbors come a knocking then a man my just get straight to the gut busting which in case your spot may be found early and often. But if you want something a little more sensual where a man explores your body, then it may take a bit more time. Know that sometimes (with experienced men) we know the locations of your spot (and other spots to get you all hot and bothered) but we want to tease you in a sense, making that much more pleasurable for you. You'll get a post on topics similar to these later on.

QUESTION: Why don't you put the toilet seat down when you've finished using it? It's not that hard!

SIMPLE ANSWER: Absent-mindedness

ANSWER: Think of it like this, the seat has to be down for EVERYTIME a woman uses the restroom. Now we're gonna get a little mathematical. When a man uses the restroom, two-thirds of the time he takes a leak, the other third he drops a deuce. So 66% of the time a man is using the restroom the seat is up. Factor in the times the man uses a public restroom where there is a urinal (where no seat is present) and that percentage increases, so I'll up it to 75-80%. The reason why we'll forget to put the seat down is because we are creature of habits, so we aren't used to putting a seat down when we finish our business. (Even though, Gina from the Martin sitcom will tell you its as simple as "you zip it, then you flip it!) I think you should be more concerned with you man washing his hands thoroughly, you know that swine going around.

Alright, so be sure to send your questions in to so that we can more topics to discuss.

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