Tuesday, June 23, 2009


There comes a time in any relationship where you reach a crossroads. You may remember hearing this from an early post. If memory serves me right I believe something along the lines of "... there is a point where we as individuals reach a crossroad where we're going to move on, or go running back." As true as this may be there is another stage that can reach while in a relationship, and that is the threshold of neutrality.

Neutrality is defined as an indifference in quality; a state of neither very good nor bad. In a nutshell contentment. Now to some this may be great, they'll become stuck on neutral and think that in regards to their relationship/situation things are "cool," and they know that things won't get any worse. For other's the threshold of neutrality sucks anus! This is because this person is looking to move forward with their concomitant (yeah, I've been in the dictionary, the word is a synonym for counterpart) and anything other the forward progress to them is viewed as regression. Finally there is the person who is unaware that they have reached the threshold and in turn are holding there relationship back.

So you're prolly thinking to yourself whats the problem with this, I mean the relationship cannot get worse right? True, but understand that most of the time a man, normally the one looking for the constant forward progression, is dealing with a woman who is unaware of the neutrality. I understand that some folks like to take it slow but I also understand that when in at a standstill for too long ones legs will become restless and they'll move in either direction just to change things up. This is common example of why some people, men in particular, regress from time to time while in a relationship.

Another common mishap can occur when a relationship reaches rerun status, where the couple is going in a circle over and over again. We all no that if you end up in the same location that you start, then at the end of the day there isn't any forward progess, this results in no work being done (the reason I say work is cause that's exactly what a relationship is work, work, work.) The ups and downs will average out and eventually leave a "stale-this-relationship-isn't-going-anywhere-feeling."

The biggest risk of staying in a neutral relationship is that no one knows where the next move will be. Take a care for instance, if you park the car for any period of time return and place the car in neutral gear, which direction is the car going to move? There isn't an answer cause we don't know for certain. If we were going downhill or even uphill, we know that now we'll start to crash down. On a leveled ground, you may be able to go forward but you can just as easily fall back, so why even take the chance?

Attempt to move forward whenever possible and lets try not to be stuck in neutral folks.

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