Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter girl, Spring Fling, Summer Lover...

Thanks to Global Warming, seasons are starting to become more and more similar with the exception of the random snow storm or flash floods.

People, whether we are cognizant of it or not, operate in concert with the seasons. Depending on where you're from winter might be your worst part of the year or your favorite. It's been shown (scientifically) that people go into hibernation and even depression annually. Others, however operate on a more productive level when the seasons change.

Summer lover, Spring fling, Winter girl (bunning season)... (I can't think of something someone has said about Fall in relation to relationships). All of these phrases have some bearing on the natural tendencies of people and other organisms for that matter to get and acquire someone of the opposite sex (or the same for those professional carpet technicians). Keep in mind these phrases also have identifiers (love, fling, girl) which are important in understanding the nature of the relationship started in that season.

The Winter Girl (bunning season)
I'm a winter fan, but that's because I prefer it cold. Relationships (I'm gonna use this term loosely as I have on this blog just to identify someone you're dating/talking to whatever, don't get hung-up on that word because I know you will) that begin in the winter are interesting. Most people clam up during the winter. Is it an attempt to keep your loins from getting frost bitten? IDK. With the exception of the holidays it seems like this is the time people want to be left alone. There are those people who look at the cold weather and see time and oppurtunity.

Think about the emotions people go through in the winter.... Depression, Sadness, Loneliness, and boredom. Now what's one activity that can temporarily cure all of them and at the same time warm you up? What you must also keep in mind is the "quality" of the dating pool in the winter. Everyone is bundled up if out or just not out at all. So consequently those "looking" aren't that concerned with the package. All that's important in the winter is: staying warm/getting warm, eating (take it how you want), and dealing with those emotions (depression, sadness, loneliness etc). So when he's looking those are the criteria , consciously or subconsciously, that he's judging you off of.

Winter situations can be cool as long as you look at it for what it is. What you have to be aware of is that one of the most "productive" seasons is coming up next and as a result you will become obsolete. Because, along with the thawing of everything else comes the end of the masses' hibernation. Where mid winter you may have been the baddest chick out now the flowers are blooming and the bee you caught of course wants to go and taste the newly sprouted nectar. Don't be offended it's just nature.

The Spring fling
You've just come out of the long winter and the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and animals are fucking. So you already know what time it is. Of course there's spring cleaning first, so in a polite way "Get the fuck Winter Girl!!!". It's not that the spring fling is getting a different guy, she's just getting the frisky part of him. A fling is just that, a brief casual relationship. Spring time is for meeting, fucking (to reproduce naturally), and parting ways. Therefore, those looking for a long term relationship from someone in the spring have to recognize what the spring time is for. Flowers bloom to fuck (essentially), cattle meet up, whales, salmon, just about every walk of life brings it's opposite sex components together during the warm up from the thaw in order to reproduce. What they get and I want you to get is that after that it's time to part ways. Now yes, some animals stay together but more common than not they split up. I mean it's a fling. Flings , fling (not to define with the word but) and then they move on.

The Summer Lover
Just as interesting in reasoning as the winter girl is the summer lover. Summer is a great time (absent of the fucking heat). Summer lovers have a unique position in reference to meeting a guy. As I've said over and over in this post, think about what's going on during and at the beginning of this season.

For most people (adults and young adults) this is a transitory season. If you're in school you've just finished classes, or graduated. If you're working (since industries nowadays target the college age group generally) you probably just finished or started a project. Let's also not forget those newly free students are interning, working, or starting a career. The "air" and mentalities of people are different (I won't touch on those without responsibilites who don't work and just party all summer because those are children, maybe not in age but in mindset). So think about what mind set someone's in. New job, school is over, he may be feeling a little more mature (if he is in actuality is another thing) and as a result it may seem he's looking for something serious. Oh did I mention it's summer? You can go out, wear what you want, really enjoy spending time together. As a result, summer relationships tend to progress quickly. It might be because of heat(any science head will know that the warmer a reaction is, the more energy and the faster it occurs). You can run the gamut in the summer (meet friends, family, go on trips) all while wearing clothes that show off whatever "yo mama gave you". All good things do however come to an end.

I say the summer is interesting for a bunch of reasons. I'm not sure how much you've noticed but the summer gets progressively hot. May going into June is deal-able but August (the end of summer give or take) can be fucking unbearable. Shit metro buses are sometimes free in August and that's a pressed ass mass transit system. Another thing about the summer is that you do all the shit you can't do during the "working year" (travel, party heavy, etc). This translates into all facets of life. That summer love is in effect rushed , but that's only because it isn't love. The reason why people love the summer is because it's almost synonymous with freedom. Everyone is out enjoying life. Unfortunately when the seasons change so do our respective mentalities. At one time where you were down to do things now you're more focused on school (or work) and getting ready for the winter. The summer lover (Still hot from the season) is moving too much and too fast for the newly adapted Fall/winter mentality and because of this eventually burns itself out. Think of the summer love as a candle. It's pretty, smells good, bright, you enjoy it but eventually it'll burn to the wick and that's it, time for a new candle.

How can you break out of this? Get married :-\. I don't know any extra long term relationships where I can draw from to give an example of how to stay cemented regardless of the season (or ones that I agree with that last that long because I feel those will end eventually but that's neither here nor there). Being "hip" and realizing where his mind is, is the only way. If you see someone exhibiting the emotions I've described above then you already know.

As always this isn't law/rule/a commandment. There are exceptions. All I want you to do is open your mind to understand the factors and variables that change and therefore change the way your relationship flows or doesn't flow.

At the end of the day we're all animals and are just as subject to nature as any dog, cat or ant.



Anonymous said...

Do you fall for autumn?? Or she does not count

Incepted Conception said...

I think this is an interesting way to look at relaltionships. However, I always felt that anyone who based the status of their relationship to what the weather is like outside not only has a lack of self-control of their emotions but is a damn immature fool. If you have a solid connection with someone and you break it off cause it's summer and you wanna frolic on the can't complain when its cold outside and you pick up the phone at 2 am and no one wants to come and keep your dumb ass warm.
You can be excused for this behavior if you fall in the under 21 bracket...
but if youre over the age of 21 and you still let the seasons dictate your relationships...
go sit in the corner and read a Steve Harvey relationship book...cause both of yall are two idiots that will find comfort in each other.

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