Thursday, October 22, 2009


We all (hopefully) have been threw alot of shit in our lives. I mean if you haven't then you haven't truly lived. Drama, hardships, heatbreaks, mistakes, etc.. all of these things plus the good times make up our pasts. The problem is that these "skeletons" in our closet for alot of men and women tend to constantly be active components in our present relationships.

Have you ever heard the idiom "Let sleeping dogs lie"? Now I personally (this is a digressing point but w/e) think dogs shouldn't sleep around people, a big part of your existence is protection so how the hell are you protecting me by sleeping (ok done, back to the previously scheduled program). I've been guilty of using this phrase seemingly haphazardly without a clear definition in my head. Sooooo I looked the shit up. "If someone is told to let sleeping dogs lie, it means that they shouldn't disturb a situation as it would result in trouble or complications" ( some of ya'll need this). In relation to a person's "skeletons", don't "resurrect" the past or you'll kick up alot more than dirt.

In relationships a third or maybe even a lil more than half of the fun is getting to know that person, and within getting to know that person a large chunk consists of learning about their past. Now I don't know about you or your dude or anyone else for that matter, but I'm not only selective about who I let in but also who I expose my "secrets" to (well some secrets, can't give everything away, but that's for a later post). Sharing and essentially exposing ones secrets/"Skeletons", though most people don't realize it, is a 2 way street, better yet, it's a contract. This contract is formulated under trust and secrecy. There happens to be alot of fine print to this contract but two of the major clauses are: 1. After being exposed to said individuals secrets it now becomes a secret which you have no right to disclose to someone outside of this aggreement and should be treated as a secret of your own and 2.Secrets also referred to as the individuals pasts also referred to as "skeletons" are not to be used against the individual who has entrusted you with them or in reference to them in conversation with an outside party.

Just recently I was having a discussion with someone, in which they became salty and proceeded to bring up my past as well as a family members past. Mind you she has never met nor even myspace messaged this person (I don't think she's even heard this person's voice in the background on the phone). Everyone gets hurt and everyone has the urge to retaliate, it's human nature. However to attack someones past in an attempt to defame them as well as bring them down, doesn't just show an air of immaturity it shows how truly insecure you are. If you're angry about something someone said, address the comment(in a timely manner: Read statute of limitations). Past is labelled the past for a reason keep it there. No one wants to continue to relive those instances. Imagine it like this, if skeletons in your closet are like 100lb bags of sand and you decide to share them with someone, basically letting your venting relieve some of the strain of that secret, how fucked up would it be for someone to throw the bag right back at you? There is no way skeletons can be in a closet if you don't let them stay in the closet. Let's make relationships better not shit them up with old irrelevant stuff.

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