Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Welcome to AIN'T THAT BOUT A BITCH (I kno it's a clever title, it can be read two ways, no applause necessary)

I would give a long ass synopsis of what this blog is goin to be about but you'll read it and figure it out on ur own. Just kno this blog is about WOMEN.

And being that this is a blog about women, what better way than to have women ask us questions in order to get the male perspective or the blunt truth about the things that bother them about men? So Boss B sent out our first question.... "If you could ask any one question to a black man what would it be?" and as ur prolly kno, we got a rack of responses.

I'm gonna kick it off with a question that summed up alot of the joints that we recieved......

"Can you ever be 100 percent faithful?! ... LOL"

Being faithful....... Being faithful can mean a million and one things to men. Some men feel that they're faithful as long as they come home to their bun joint and whatever happens before they walk in the door is irrelevant. Others feel that being faithful is a thing of fairy tales and that people who believe in it are as retarded as the brother in "there's somethin about mary". Then you have youngins who feel like it's possible/probable or whatever....

Men are at the very core creatures driven by desire. If we're hungry we eat, thirsty we drink, jealous we fight or buy new shit,and for alot of men when we're horny we fuck (or get close as shit to it). So therefore bein "faithful" can be considered one of those things that goes against are very basic programing.

Now I'm not bout to bash dudes, because women at the core are driven by desire, and therefore do the same shit. Women (on average not as a rule) are better at hiding their............. animal urges.

But we are "Human", and since most people feel that control over our urges is what sets us apart from other creatures (I don't feel this way btw, WE ARE ALL ANIMALS) why can't we, or MEN specifically be faithful?

I can't pretend to know ever mans reasoning but I can tell you wat has been a reason for me. Being faithful or doing just about anything for that matter all breaks down to how happy you are with that situation.

The Declaration of Independence states that we all have the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"...... I've been in a few relationships in my short life and what makes me want to step out of a relationship isn't a rap video, or even a youngin goosin me, it's always how happy I am with her.

Let's be real, there will always be someone with a fatter ass than you, bigger titties, sexier legs, a flatter stomach, wider hips, and a prettier face. That's just a fact. And some guys will be syced off of that. (If you have a guy who jumps every times he smells some pussy, then u need to send the bamma back to the pound)
But if you have a dude who's completely happy in the relationship and with you, then you could fart spaghetti sauce and slim would get a fork and some garlic bread.

I want to be happy in everything I do, and if I'm not I'll go searching for it. I was raised to reject complacency. When I'm unhappy in a relationship it's not as if I go seeking for a "replacement" (well not seriously). I may actually be just looking for a friend. Unknowingly or maybe knowingly me and the youngin began to click on a more intimate level. Being unhappy for me and for alot of guys can feel almost like we're trapped and like that bar of soap in the shower, the harder you try to hold on to it the more it wants to slip away.

So back to the question... "Can you ever be 100 percent faithful?! ... LOL"


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