Friday, June 12, 2009


As you may already know we here at ATBAB (Ain't That Bout A Bitch) will from time to time attempt to answer some questions women have sent in to us. Which reminds me, feel free to send in your own questions to We will try to answer as many as possible as quick as possible so be afraid to write in. We are big on discretion around these parts so promise to keep all identities a secret. Now on to the post

Earlier in the week Andre 2000 answered our first question: CAN YOU EVER BE 100% FAITHFUL?! ... LOL

He did a great job by the way but some readers wanted to hear my take on it also. I don't think that it's a matter of can a man be faithful all the time because the obvious answer is yes. I think the true question is why are men more unfaithful than women? I feel the explanation ties into the consequences for such actions aren't all that severe. We'll come back to this though.

Cheating in general is a touchy topic, with everyone generally making their own status quo on how to deal with the act. There's just far too many intangibles not to mention different levels. However whether you had an orgy without you significant other just texted someone when you weren't supposed to; bottom line cheating is cheating!

So why cheat? The easy answer would because there is something that is lacking with the present girlfriend but I think there is more to it. For the most part I feel that men cheat because of two main reasons:

1: People are selfish

A cheater mindset is rooted in selfishness. Their actions are saying that it is acceptable for them to give you a portion of them in return for all of you. Doesn't really seem fair does it? Realize though that man WILL do what he needs to do for himself. If he needs his ego stroked (or anything else for that matter) he will find a way to obtain this satisfaction. It doesn't have to necessarily be a circumstance of unhappiness with his current mate, its just the here and now sex drive that has taken over him.

2: A man will attempt to get away with anything that is allowed of him.

This goes back to the consequences not being that severe. For the most part, people cheat (oh, my gosh women cheat too!?!?!?) because they do not feel that they will get caught. So if they can get away with it, what harm have they really caused? As I'm sure you have heard before ignorance can be bliss, so no blood no foul. I do know that men know exactly what there women can tolerate and every now and then they may try to step out of pocket. By letting you mate know from jump street that you aren't the one (by not taking a passive stance in situations like such and having a high self-esteem) you'll basically limit the risk of having a cheating counterpart.

Therefore men can be 100% faithful now you know why some aren't.

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