The ole' story goes as follows: Boy meets Girl, Boy wants Girl, Boy asks Girl out, Boy and Girl form couple, Boy eaves Girl, Girl wants answers, Girl writes in to aintthatbouta@gmail.com.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the female in question was shocked to know that her relationship plane was in turbulent airs. This is because she was unaware of the stages men and women go through when in a relationship. They rarely are on the same facet within the friendship. This is due to the fact that as soon as the relationship begins the men are on a downward slope while the women are on an ascending one. Let's get a bit more elaborate for a moment. There are five stages to most relationships where a female is left asking "what just happened?".
Its like when a child takes a new toy fresh out of the packaging. Everything is cool cause the gloss hasn't worn off. Not saying that people aren't real with each other but during this stage they are pushing their better parts forward. When introducing themselves they'll point out their positives (typical/logical) so as a result the couple will actually like each other. For (some) women the man pursuing her may not be her particular "dream" man but she may see the potential in him. Enough for her to let him feed her and be seen in public with her.
This is the stage where you discover who you really are dating. Some of the gloss is starting to wear off as notice things like they clip their toenails --- with their mouth. By now you should have seen them at their worst (when they wake up in the morning with breath stanking and yawning, eye boogers in every corner the eyes, no make-up) as you more than likely have spent the night at least once by this stage. You'll see the REAL person with whom you're dealing.
Everyone is content. He has accepted that she may not be exactly who he thought she was while she's starting to realize how comfortable the stability of a relationship can be. The relationship is completely leveled. But we all know about the threshold of neutrality and since there aren't signs of forward progress the man will feel as if he has peaked out with his current woman and needs to now have his thoughts set on his next.
For the ladies it will feel like Glory Days 2.0. A lot of complaints will arrive from the mans direction, some/most, will be petty. He'll tell his friends how he hates that she won't clean when he knew from jump she was dirty when he saw her bathroom toilet had toothpaste stains on the seat or that even though she does any and everything in the bedroom he wants.... something else. It'll be complaint after complaint after complaint and he'll refuse to be reminded what good has come from the relationship because his mind is set on moving on (men can be stubborn like that). So much praise comes from the lady you would have thought it was a church service.
Poor little girl never saw it coming. The woman can hear the bells (wedding bells that is) and the man can hear his personal alarm going off, he needs to get out of the relationship quick, fast, and in a hurry. She's telling everyone how how happy she is while her man is talking himself up on how to quit her. Then it happens. Dude wants to move on and nothing is gonna stand in the way. She'll cry, tell her girlfriends, cry some more, want to call, not call, tell everyone how he ain't shit, cry some more, demand closure so she'll know what she was doing wrong, find out it wasn't necessarily anything she did, and cry some more.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the female in question was shocked to know that her relationship plane was in turbulent airs. This is because she was unaware of the stages men and women go through when in a relationship. They rarely are on the same facet within the friendship. This is due to the fact that as soon as the relationship begins the men are on a downward slope while the women are on an ascending one. Let's get a bit more elaborate for a moment. There are five stages to most relationships where a female is left asking "what just happened?".
Its like when a child takes a new toy fresh out of the packaging. Everything is cool cause the gloss hasn't worn off. Not saying that people aren't real with each other but during this stage they are pushing their better parts forward. When introducing themselves they'll point out their positives (typical/logical) so as a result the couple will actually like each other. For (some) women the man pursuing her may not be her particular "dream" man but she may see the potential in him. Enough for her to let him feed her and be seen in public with her.
This is the stage where you discover who you really are dating. Some of the gloss is starting to wear off as notice things like they clip their toenails --- with their mouth. By now you should have seen them at their worst (when they wake up in the morning with breath stanking and yawning, eye boogers in every corner the eyes, no make-up) as you more than likely have spent the night at least once by this stage. You'll see the REAL person with whom you're dealing.
Everyone is content. He has accepted that she may not be exactly who he thought she was while she's starting to realize how comfortable the stability of a relationship can be. The relationship is completely leveled. But we all know about the threshold of neutrality and since there aren't signs of forward progress the man will feel as if he has peaked out with his current woman and needs to now have his thoughts set on his next.
For the ladies it will feel like Glory Days 2.0. A lot of complaints will arrive from the mans direction, some/most, will be petty. He'll tell his friends how he hates that she won't clean when he knew from jump she was dirty when he saw her bathroom toilet had toothpaste stains on the seat or that even though she does any and everything in the bedroom he wants.... something else. It'll be complaint after complaint after complaint and he'll refuse to be reminded what good has come from the relationship because his mind is set on moving on (men can be stubborn like that). So much praise comes from the lady you would have thought it was a church service.
Poor little girl never saw it coming. The woman can hear the bells (wedding bells that is) and the man can hear his personal alarm going off, he needs to get out of the relationship quick, fast, and in a hurry. She's telling everyone how how happy she is while her man is talking himself up on how to quit her. Then it happens. Dude wants to move on and nothing is gonna stand in the way. She'll cry, tell her girlfriends, cry some more, want to call, not call, tell everyone how he ain't shit, cry some more, demand closure so she'll know what she was doing wrong, find out it wasn't necessarily anything she did, and cry some more.
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