Sunday, January 9, 2011

Built Ford Tough

Last night, one of the co-authors, some friends and I went out to Bus boys & Poets' first friday talent showcase and we got to talking about the type of women we need. Me, being not in the least bit ashamed about my feelings on what I need, decided to chime in and of course the co-author agreed with my point.  I'm not going to transcribe the whole conversation but what it came down to is us saying we need a woman "who's going to curse us out".  Now I have to apologize in retrospect because men (using that term loosely) tend to make statements that are blunt and to the point in our heads but what we don't take into account is that it's only straight forward if you think as we do. So again sorry to those girls.   We eventually rephrased it to say "we need a female with a back bone". Someone who's just kirkin out and cursing for no reason isn't appealing. I curse, I would prefer the woman I date to curse, but for her to have every other word to be profaned isn't attractive. And a backbone doesn't mean that you're constantly disputing what we say (not like what we say is authority).  I'll admit I think differently when it comes to things I want in a woman.  But one thing all men look for is a partner. Some people have termed it "ride or die" which to men makes perfect sense. However I think the phrasing and when it's used has tainted what we mean. A "ride or die" woman isn't a woman who'll stuff our eighth of kush in her pussy when we get pulled over. That right there is an idiot and ultimately someone who's going to stunt our growth.  Unless you're an insecure, and immature man who likes beating on his woman and having her either bent over or cooking, you want a woman who's going to "make you better" no matter how cheesy it sounds.  So you want a woman who's gonna try and convince you not to be riding around with weed in the first place.  If you're real reckless she may want you to stop all together.  Don't get me wrong, we're not looking for sculptors.  I think women peep this need a man has for her to help him grow but this doesn't mean that you dress him or nag at him for him to jump when you need him to.  As a side note, nagging doesn't work EVER. You may make some leeway but you'll always come back.  If you suggest something to your counterpart and it's genuinely beneficial for him and he doesn't do it, then he's not ready to do that shit and nagging isn't going to make it work. ok off that.  A "ride or die" supports US. She backs our ambition, humbles our ego, and helps us see when we're blinded by our stupidity.  Some women decide they'll relax and let a man do what he wants to, "boys will be boys" .  That's perfectly fine if you want to be with a boy.  A man doesn't need a woman to roll over, and if your guy needs you to allow "him to do him" then he really doesn't need you.  Things you need help you. You need water to live, air to breath, and a woman for you to be a man.  Being with a girl only allows us to be boys. A man's wife, girlfriend, fiance, whatever is ultimately (i hate these cheesy over used phrases) our other half and we need it to be the best it can be. That means we need (not want because most peoples wants are contrary to their needs) you to be respectful of yourself, independent, strong, and complimentary (not submissive.  I think we need to change the word submissive in relationships to complimentary because that really describes what we need). A submissive woman is like having a grown child, or an employee, nobody needs an extra person to manage.  As men we want to and strive to be as strong as we can be for you and everyone we care about. But we need to know that when the world has beaten us down you'll be the final brace holding us up. Not like we think we'll ever get there (because men think we're mini supermen), but we need to see the qualities in you that it would take to support us if we ever needed you. We also need you to be attracted to our positive qualities not our negative ones. Don't be attracted to the fact that I'm an asshole or that I'm flashy or that I'm concerned with you doing what I say (you know the women who confuse a man taking control for a man controlling her).  You need to be attracted to his compassion, his modesty, and most importantly his ability to allow you to be you.  Yes we need you to be strong for us but we also need you to be strong for you.  We need you to grow and be concerned about your growth.  There's no way we can grow if you're staying stagnant. Last cheesy line before I publish this shit "Only kinda girl I want. Independent queen working for her thrown" *baby crying in the background*

Smacked so this may seem all over the place


1 comment:

Incepted Conception said...

I just caught the holy ghost off of this post.

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