Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I know I don't speak for myself when I say the worst type of people to be around are those wet blanket types.. You know the ones who are ALWAYS complaining about something and are never doing shit to better the situation. This "condition" is worsened when that very person let's call them The Soggy Sheet Ass Bamma (Lil twist on the wet blanket) is your significant other (bun joint, boyfriend, girlfriend, crank yanker, or just someone you're rappin wit).

Times are hard right now for just about everyone.. I mean it's a recession. Money's tight, jobs are scarce (I got a gig, I'm just talkin in general). So I think it goes without saying that the best course of action in this trying period is to stay positive. However it's hard to stay positive when the youngin closest to you is Soggy as shit, and in my opinion one of the things that kills the mood the most when I'm tryna fuck is someone who is whinin about dumb shit (and I'm not talking about things guys perceive that are dumb but are really valid, i mean TRUE DUMB SHIT).

I've dated a few joints and one of the most garbage relationships that I've been in was with this girl, let's call her Jane. Jane would break down after just about any hardship. If she failed a test, then now she was failing the class and could never pass (mind you this was the first of 6 tests and counted for the least amount of overall points). Most of the time shit just isn't worth getting upset about, simply put there's no sense crying over spilled milk. They say behind every Strong black man is a Strong black woman, needless to say i needed to seperate myself from her weak ass so that I wouldn't crumble. And it's not like I need someone to hold me up, cause I standalone perfectly fine, but I knew that if I reeeaaaaalllly needed her to have my back I woulda been short.

At the end of the day some men like to be needed, and have a youngin crying on their shoulder and what not, but ladies trust me you don't want to be that chick. Emotional and moral support is all well and good, but to rely on someone to be your "pick me up" is just gonna land you a needy lil girl. If you have ever found yourself saying or thinkin somethin along the lines of "this happened, and I called you and I couldn't reach you and I didn't know what to do" and then continue to some "where were you I needed you", then you are/were too needy. Now I've digressed abit from the central subject of this post but I think it was needed.

Relationships are about support but you can't truly support someone else until you can support yourself. Just as laughter is infectious so is happiness, if you're happy and smiling soon will your counterpart and eventually everything will be gravy and you both can prosper and shit.

People rarely realize that misery and happiness both love company it's just happiness knows how to keep company around


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