Friday, July 24, 2009


We hold on to things that are ultimately and indubitably poisonous to us as human beings. It almost appears that we're gluttons for punishment.

It seems that more so than not you will find a women "in love", with a bamma who not only doesn't deserve her but continues to treat her in manner that is less than what she is worth. These women for whatever reason find it extremely hard to shake the feelings that were gained for the individual inflicting the poison and he is more than happy to latch on and keep injecting her with his "seed".

What makes an individual poisonous tho? ( I think there is some debate to that, and if you feel so inclined you can post your views below.)

Signs that your joint is poisonous
1. Are you compromising who you are for the sake of him? This can be extremely obvious or subtle. In relationships people tend to fall into the practice of adaptation. Which to an extent is something that is necessary for their to be synergy between to people of differing lives. However, healthy adaptation involves mutual compromise. People tend to fall into the trap of giving up more than they're getting in a relationship in order to pacify, make happy, or whatever their counterpart. I've seen more times than I can count where the quintessential "GOOD GIRL" (which I think is a myth, but that will be a later post) starts bunnin up with the "BAD BOY" or just a bamma who isn't the ideal dude, and in order to fit him she changes who she is. Now I'm a firm believer that certain parts of someones character are ingrained and unchangeable, but in these scenarios some of the closest people around the youngin can be quoted as "I don't know what happened to her, she's changed". Maybe those people or person didn't know the true her, or maybe for the sake of him she's morphed into something she's not. Now some dumb ass person may be sayin "Well what's wrong with that. She's in love, they're happy , Leave them alone". Being in love (which is a term that I have a problem with but that'll be another post too) is all well and good, but when your foundation, the core of who you are, is built upon another person, you have set yourself up for destruction. Formulating yourself based off of someone else robs you of your identity and when that person nolonger is around it leaves you as a shell. Now you maybe able to return to your former self or continue to operate in the manner in which you have learned to but from that point on you have to rebuild yourself because the building which you created had it's foundation pulled from under it. Ladies keep your identity. In a relationship your two lives should be seperate and there should be some overlap where you share a piece together, but their should never be a complete mesh of the two, because ultimately one will be eclipsed.

2. Does he make you happy? How many times have your heard someone say in reference to the question "Why do you like/love him?" say "because he makes me happy"? If your in a relationship or kno someone is in a relationship and these words come out of their mouth, STOP and turn to yourself/them and say KILL BILL!!!. You maybe thinkin to yourself What the fuck is he talkin about, that's a good thing. Not Necessarily. More times than not, women can be found searching for happiness in a relationship or in some joints case in men in general (sometimes creating the textbook rolla). When it comes down to it lookin for happiness in someone else like #1 sets you up for destruction. Before you enter a relationship, start rappin wit someone, or whatever you need to be content in and of yourself. The phrase should go from "because he makes me happy" to "because he adds to my happiness" .

3. Are you OD jealous? Now I feel jealousy is inherit. If you really care about someone then you will have some bit of feelings in which you're adverse to them being with other people (in a romantic/sexual way). However if it comes to a point where you are forced to be stalking that person, not necessarily in person, but going through their facebook, cell, email, twitter, etc then their is a problem. There should be a level of trust in a relationship and if you find yourself loosing sleep, feeling uneasy or whatever in regards to your counterpart then your relationship has become poisonous. It's true that people bring baggage from previous relationships (though they shouldn't) into a new one, and operate in a way to prevent themselves from being hurt again in a similar fashion. However don't find yourself Stuck in reverse (read the older post). Noone wants to have a shadow, and if that person has done nothing to break your trust then you owe them your trust. However if this person is shitty and you can't trust them then you have no business being with them. We all know trust is essential for a relationship, one of the four pillars in fact, so if that is missing then you need to end it before it falls apart.

4. Are you being disrespected? Point blank, SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU DOES NOT DISRESPECT YOU. Disrespect can manifest in a multitude of ways. The bamma could be simply calling you out of your name. I personally like a feisty youngin. I curse and I expect any chick i'm with to have a back bone and curse right back at me. Sexy ass shit. But i digress. Though what is disrespectful in terms of words is subject to each individuals interpretation, calling you a bitch, slut, whore, or any form instead of the name that is written on your birth certificate shouldn't be tolerated. Also no man should raise his hand in an attempt to fuck you up or "put you in your place". Physical violence is NEVER justified. Now I definitely don't believe because you're a female you're allowed to go Rocky Balboa on your dude and walk away clean. But the most he should do is restrain you, and he should never come to you on some you pissed me off Imma fuck you up type shit. The last form of disrespect which I think maybe somewhat unexpected that I address is the disrespect of family members and those close to you. Though you are an individual, the people you care about make up who you are, and if he values you as a person then he shouldn't dog them. Now you're not gonna always agree with a youngins mother or her friends or even her for that matter, but he should respect you enough to not kirk or geek out on them. All of these factors individualy and collectively create a poisonous situation and the only way to avoid them is to have respect for yourself.

Relationships are hard (Like have 2 overtime jobs) but just like a job if you are degrading yourself in order to keep it up, then it's about time you re-evaluate the situation and look into a new career.

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