Monday, June 22, 2009


50/50 SIKE NAW...... The notion or hope that relationships can be equal is actually a pretty shitty fairy tail.

I was personally raised that in a relationship everything should be 50/50. You bring yourself to the table your counterpart does the same and everything rides. This is somethin both my parents tried to instill in me. "Don't marry a women that dosn't have a degree" not on some i'm to good for shawty but on some get with someone who is equally ambitious and equally driven as yourself.

I pride my self on bein a real person who was raised by real and blunt parents, but as I grow in life I find that this thought of a 50/50 relationship is (for lack of a better term) BULLSHIT.

Relationships are as stable as a game of tug of war. Before the game starts everyone is equal, but once the whistle is blown, the rope is at a constant inequality. So why not label this post "THE TUG OF WAR EFFECT" ? or some shit like that. The push and pull of a relationship is more complicated than just a back and forth. In my opinion, relationships are most accurately described as a "SEE SAW".

Whether you want to admit it or not, NO 2 PEOPLE FEEL THE SAME ABOUT EACHOTHER AT ANY GIVEN POINT IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP. Now you may be sittin there to youself sayin my youngin loves me just as much as i do them. WRONG!!!

In a relationship just as a see saw there is someone who is up and there is someone who's down.(I'll explain the positions)
Those who are at the bottom are the ones who have the least amount of feelings in the relationship. These are the people who are putting less than 50 percent into it. Now you may be asking why isn't this person at the top. For the simple fact that the bottom is the position of power. This person controls how much effort they put into the game, and can ultimately control if the game (relationship)is either ended, balanced out, or if the person at the top comes crashing down on their ass and ends up hurt.
The top is filled by the person with who is the most in their feelings. This person is the one putting in more than 50 percent. If you think of the bottom as the "control" then the top is the "one with their head in the clouds". Now this person may not be oblivious that they may get hurt. And though they were scared to go up so high they put their all into the "game" to boost them to the top in hopes that their efforts will be reciprocated. Therefore the top is the position of vulnerability.

This inequality may not be that drastic. there may be a 60/50, or 55/45 and there might be those who function in 70/30s, 80/20s and even 90/10s (I hope ur not in that predicament, or ur at least the 10)

I'm not one for games... but if your up to it since I'm a science major let's try an experiment to exhibit this theory in a real life setting. (This is only for people who may feel as if they're in the "top" position) If your in a relationship (I'm choosing a relationship because the dynamics of 2 people talking are a lil bit different and may not exhibit a visible effect) start by calling ur counterpart less. (Also don't loose feelings for them, this isn't a break up blog, and we don't want angry emails). Then answer questions in a nonchallant manner, and when u hang with them behave in a way which would come off as if you could careless to be there or not. Kiss less and less passionately. Now unless you have a dingbat for a mate, they will start to become suspicious. If they ask you, just simply reply "No everything is fine, love you," or whatever. Then continue to act accordingly. Eventually sides will began to tip. Your counterpart should began to be more clingy, and more affectionate. Effectively pushing themselves to the position of the top. This at it's core is "THE SEE SAW EFFECT".

Now ladies this isn't a post to get you to play games in a relationship. The purpose of this is to help you steer a relationship in the direction YOU want it to go. I am still a firm believer that 50/50 is a figment of dumb peoples imagination but just like though noone can be Jesus (not gonna get to religious) we still strive to be more and more like him eachday so that we can better ourselves. Therefore we should strive for that unattainable 50/50 to better our relationships.


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